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Rug Stain Protection

When it comes to rug stain protection, you can trust the professionals at Fuzzy Wuzzy to clean as well as treat your rugs for future stains spills.

If you’ve experienced a wine spill on your area rug from a dinner party, the kids have spilled juice or spaghetti on your rug, or your dog has peed on your rug, you know how difficult it is to remove those stains.

Coffee spilled from the cup on the carpet
Thank you (15)

Don’t panic. Consider hiring a professional rug cleaning company to get those stains out — then let us stain proof your rug against future spills.

As an added service to our rug cleaning process, we offer stain guard application to your rug. This helps liquids remain on the surface while you quickly blot up the spill. This helps keep stains on your rug to a minimum.

If you have questions about our stain guard application process and how it might benefit your rug, contact Fuzzy Wuzzy online or call 206-525-0058 today.